
A Free GPA Calculator Pro

GPA Calculator Pro: Your advanced tool for precise Grade Point Average calculations.

Free GPA Calculator: Simplify Your Academic Journey

This free GPA calculator is a powerful tool that can help students easily track and manage their academic performance. By inputting their course grades, students can quickly calculate their current and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs), providing valuable insights into their academic standing.

Key Takeaways

  • Effortlessly calculate your current and cumulative GPA
  • Understand your academic progress and identify areas for improvement
  • Easily input your course grades and credits to get instant GPA results
  • Accessible and user-friendly interface for a seamless experience


  • Simple and Intuitive Interface: The calculator boasts a clean and straightforward design, making it easy for users to input their course information and get their GPA results.
  • Customizable Grade Scales: The tool supports various grading scales, including the standard 4.0 scale, allowing students to accurately calculate their GPAs regardless of their institution’s grading system.
  • Cumulative GPA Tracking: In addition to the current semester’s GPA, the calculator also provides the user’s cumulative GPA, giving them a comprehensive view of their academic performance over time.
  • Credit Hour Integration: The calculator takes into account the number of credit hours associated with each course, ensuring that the GPA calculation accurately reflects the weight of each class.
  • Saving and Sharing: Users can save their GPA calculations and share them with others, making it convenient to track progress and share academic achievements.

More Helpful Features

  • Weighted GPA Calculation: The calculator can handle weighted GPAs, which are often used for advanced or honors courses, providing a more accurate representation of a student’s academic performance.
  • Multiple Term Tracking: Users can input grades for multiple semesters or terms, allowing them to monitor their GPA over an extended period.
  • Printable Results: The calculator offers the option to print or download the GPA results, making it easy to keep physical records of academic progress.

This free GPA calculator is a valuable tool for students of all academic levels, helping them stay on top of their grades and make informed decisions about their academic journey.