NCBA bank routing number, swift code, and contacts

NCBA bank routing number, swift code, and contacts

NCBA is headquartered in Nairobi. The bank was founded in 1959 and is licensed by CBK.

In the first quarter of 2022, NCBA recorded a total asset of Ksh 587 billion, and a profit after tax of Ksh 3.41 billion for the period ending march 31, 2022.

Related: Equity bank routing number, swift code, and contacts

NCBA bank routing number

The routing number of NCBA is 40407000.

NCBA bank’s swift code

The swift code of NCBA is CBAFKENX.

NCBA bank USSD code

NCBA has two USSD codes which are *488# for ex-NIC customers, and *654# for ex-CBA customers.

NCBA bank Paybill number

The M-Pesa paybill number of NCBA is 880100.

NCBA bank’s contacts and address

Branch nameHead office
Bank address NCBA Centre, Mara Road, Upper-Hill, Nairobi
Bank email [email protected]
Customer care numberTel: +254202884444, Mobile: +254711056444
Postal codeP.O. BOX 44599-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

What products does NCBA bank offer?

Investment, debit cards, loans, credit cards, and savings.

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  1. Please can you send me the 9 digit Routing number of NCBA bank for PayPal.

    The number listed is only 8 numbers and the PayPal website will not allow me to put in the 8 letter swift code. It requires 9 numbers only and the swift code is only 8 letters anyway.

    Thank you

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