Frequently asked questions

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For Beginners, I recommend Bluehost as it comes with everything you need (such as a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and free CDN) to run a professional website. You can also go for a powerful and fully managed option like WP Engine. Read my recommended list of best-hosting providers and best-managed WordPress hosting.

I recommend Namecheap and Dynadot. You can read the full list of the best domain registrars here. You can also check my step-by-step guide to set up Dynadot DNA records.

Starting a website is easy all you need is to have a defined goal to begin. We recommend Bluehost and Dreamhost as they are beginner-friendly and affordable. They both come with a free domain name for a whole tear, free CDN, free SSL certificate, and much more.

Refer to my detailed guide on how to start a profitable website here.

We recommend Podbean as it offers an easy way to monetize your podcast. Buzzsprout is another good option and they offer a 90-day free trial.

If you are looking for the cheapest option then consider RSS.com. Check out our recommended best podcast hosting providers here.