Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches


Are you looking for a cost-effective way to host your website or application? Free web hosting providers are the solution you are looking for.

Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches

In this article, I will explore five different free web hosting for Christian websites and churches. We will also take a look at their features, advantages, and cons to help you determine which free web hosting services are fit for your needs.

Some common features of free web hosting plans include computing instances, storage options, databases, and machine learning services. Pros of free web hosting include the ability to try out different services at no cost, while cons include limits on resources and eligibility restrictions.


Related: 8 Best web hosting for beginners

List of free web hosting companies

Vultr free trial:

Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches

Vultr is a cloud hosting provider that offers a free trial for new users. With the free trial, you can get a $100 free credit to use on any of their services, including their cloud computing instances. Some of the features of the Vultr free trial include:

  • Instant deployment: Vultr cloud platform allows you to spin up new instances in just a few minutes. I recommend the cloud compute high-frequency option for the best performance.
  • Multiple operating systems: Vultr offers a range of operating systems to choose from, including popular options like CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Fedora CoreOS, FreeBSD, Windows, and Ubuntu.
  • Multiple control panels: You can choose Plesk panel, Cyberpanel, or any other panel of your choice. You can also access your server through SSH. You can look at different hosting panels here.
  • One-click WordPress install.
  • Each panel comes with free SSL, DNS management, free backup, CDN integration, email management, custom caching, and much more.
  • Customizable CPU, RAM, and storage: You can customize the resources of your instances to meet the needs of your applications.
  • High performance: Vultr cloud platform is designed for high performance and low latency, making it ideal for applications that require fast response times.


  • The $100 credit allows you to try out Vultr services at no cost.
  • Vultr cloud platform is easy to use and offers a range of customizable options.


  • The free trial is only available for new users, so if you have already used Vultr services in the past, you won’t be eligible for the trial.

How to set up a website on Vultr

Watch this video on how to set up a WordPress website on Vultr

Do you also need a domain name? You can get a quality domain name on NameCheap.

Bluehost free trial:

Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches

Bluehost is a web hosting provider that offers a 30-day refund policy, which allows users to try their service for that duration. With the free trial, you can get a free domain name and try out their hosting services for a limited time. Some of the features of Bluehost’s free trial include:

  • Website builder: Bluehost’s website builder makes it easy to create a professional-looking website without any coding experience.
  • Free CDN.
  • Free domain name for one year if you choose an annual subscription.
  • One-click installs: You can install popular applications like WordPress with just a few clicks.
  • 24/7 support: Bluehost offers round-the-clock support to help you with any issues you may have.


  • The free trial allows you to try out Bluehost’s hosting services with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Bluehost’s website builder and one-click installs make it easy to get a website up and running quickly.


  • The free trial is only available for new users, so if you have already used Bluehost’s services in the past, you won’t be eligible for the trial.

Oracle free tier:

Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches

Oracle free web hosting is a cloud computing provider that offers a free tier for new users. With the free tier, you can access a range of Oracle Cloud services at no cost for a limited time. Some of the features of Oracle’s free tier include:

  • Compute instances: You can spin up compute instances to run your applications in the cloud. In the free version, you can access Ampere ARM CPU with up to 4 virtual Core CPUs and 24GB RAM.
  • Block and object storage: Oracle cloud offers both block and object storage options, allowing you to store your data in the cloud. The free version allocates 200GB of block storage for each user.
  • Load balancers: Oracle’s load balancers can help distribute traffic across your compute instances, improving the performance and reliability of your applications.
  • Databases: Oracle’s free tier includes access to their database services, including Oracle Autonomous Database.


  • The free tier allows you to try out Oracle’s cloud services at no cost.
  • Oracle’s cloud platform is reliable and offers a range of services for different use cases.


  • The free tier is only available for new users, so if you have already used Oracle’s cloud services in the past, you won’t be eligible.
  • The signup process is somehow complicated.

Watch this video on how to set up a website on Oracle cloud

You can take advantage of this free web hosting for Christian websites and churches. It is available to anyone.

Google Cloud free tier:

Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches

Google Cloud also offers a free tier for new users. With the free web hosting tier, you can access a range of Google Cloud services at no cost for a limited time. Some of the features of Google Cloud’s free tier include:

  • Compute instances: You can spin up compute instances to run your applications in the cloud.
  • Storage: Google Cloud offers a range of storage options, including block storage, object storage, and file storage.
  • Databases: Google Cloud’s free tier includes access to their database services, including Cloud SQL and Cloud Bigtable.
  • Machine learning: You can use Google Cloud’s machine learning services to build and deploy machine learning models.


  • The free tier allows you to try out Google Cloud’s services at no cost.
  • Google Cloud’s platform is feature-rich and offers a range of services for different use cases.

Watch this video to set up a free website on Google Cloud

Amazon Cloud free tier:

Free web hosting for Christian websites and churches

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is another cloud computing platform that offers free web hosting for Christian websites and to anyone interested in using the product.

With the free hosting tier, you can access a range of AWS services at no cost for a limited time. Some of the features of Amazon’s free tier include:

  • Compute instances: You can spin up compute instances to run your applications in the cloud.
  • Storage: AWS offers a range of storage options, including object storage, file storage, and block storage.
  • Databases: The free tier includes access to AWS’s database services, including Amazon RDS and Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Machine learning: You can use AWS’s machine learning services to build and deploy machine learning models.


  • The free tier allows you to try out AWS’s services at no cost.
  • AWS’s platform is feature-rich and offers a range of services for different use cases.


  • The free tier is only available for new users, so if you have already used AWS’s services in the past, you won’t be eligible.
  • The free tier has limits on the resources you can use, so you may need to upgrade to a paid plan if your usage exceeds these limits.
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