How to setup Hestia panel on Oracle Cloud Free Tier


In today’s tutorial, I will show you how to setup Hestia panel on Oracle Cloud Free Tier, add your domain name, install WordPress, and issue a Let’s Encrypt SSL.

I will install the Hestia panel via a command line, and everything else is managed in the panel. You can use PuTTY for this purpose.

Related: CyberPanel Setup on Oracle Free Tier VPS


Once you have created your instance,

  1. Now add your DNS records on your domain register dashboard. In this case, I am using Namecheap. Also, point the subdomain ( or for your hostname to the Oracle IP address.
  2. On your Oracle cloud instance go to virtual cloud networks > Subnet > Default security list and add ingress rules. Add this value for the Source CIDR.
  3. Go to your instance and add these ports to your ingress rules

Find all the commands needed to install the panel below

 1. Change user to superuser

sudo su -

2.  The install script


3. Make sure to these details to suit you. I recommend using a subdomain like ‘hestia’ or ‘hcp’ for your panel. In this example, I will be using ‘hestia’.

bash --interactive no --email [email protected] --password VCU5IK#KJ@ldl6%gf$ --hostname -f

Don’t forget to change the email address, password, and hostname to match your choice.

4. Once it is done running the commands, reboot using:


The installation takes around 15 to 25 minutes to finish. And if you encounter an SSL error; that is your panel fails to issue itself an SSL cert, then run this script to resolve the issue. Log in as the super user (sudo su -)


Hestia With Cloudflare setup

Note that port 8083 is not supported on Cloudflare, therefore you need to change it to 2083 on the terminal. Use this command;

sudo su –

v-change-sys-port 2083

Add these ports to the Oracle ingress rules


You can use a Cloudflare origin SSL certificate for additional security. To do so, add the Cloudflare certificate authority to your server. Use this code one at a time;

sudo su -


mv origin_ca_rsa_root.pem origin_ca_rsa_root.crt

cp origin_ca_rsa_root.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates

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