How to fix cURL error 7 failed to connect to Port 443

How to fix cURL error 7 failed to connect to Port 443

If you have encountered a “cURL error 7 failed to connect to Port 443” you know how stressful it is to figure out a solution. It causes a website to have a poor security check score altering your site’s performance. I once encountered a “cURL error 7 failed to connect to Port 443” on one…

12 Best domain registrars in Kenya

12 Best domain registrars in Kenya

A good domain name is key to the success of a website. Not just because a catchy name can help you stand out from the crowd, but because a name that is well suited to your brand can help you to establish a solid presence online. It can attract customers and improve your search rankings…

8 Best web hosting companies in Kenya

8 Best web hosting companies in Kenya

Hosting is the backbone of any website and various aspects of your website’s performance depend on it. Finding a good web hosting company in Kenya can be a challenge because there are dozens of them and they all claim they are the best. This article will give you several pointers on how you can find…

10 Cheapest domain registrars ($1 domains)

10 Cheapest domain registrars ($1 domains)

A good domain name can set the tenor of your brand and help people find you. But if you don’t have the budget for a premium domain name, then choosing a cheap domain name is what you need to do. But with so many domain registrars out there, finding the cheapest one can be a…

9 Best Christian podcast hosting companies (Free trial included)

9 Best Christian podcast hosting companies (Free trial included)

You may be looking forward to starting a Christian podcast to share your faith with others or beginning a church podcast to upload sermons on. Then, choosing the best Christian podcast hosting companies is crucial to making your podcast experience exciting. Podcast hosting is important, but it can seem like a daunting task to find…

12 Best managed WordPress hosting for Christian websites

12 Best managed WordPress hosting for Christian websites

Are you planning to build a website and you have been wondering which is the best managed WordPress hosting for Christian websites? Don’t worry you are in the right place. If you are busy and only want to focus on creating content for your Christian site, then managed WordPress hosting is the right plan for…

11 Best Christian web hosting companies

11 Best Christian web hosting companies

Are you looking for the best Christian web hosting companies or even hosting for your church website? Perhaps you want to share your faith with others and you are looking forward to starting a Christian website to achieve that objective or even you want to set up an eCommerce to sell your digital products such…

How to start a Christian website and make money

How to start a Christian website and make money

The majority today spend most of their time online, socializing, reading, or shopping. If you are looking forward to making money online, then you have to find a way to tap into this online market. That is why it is necessary to have a website. You can use this strategy to share your faith online…

12 Best passive income streams for Christians to consider

12 Best passive income streams for Christians to consider

Are you creative and looking for the best passive income streams for a Christian to consider? Most people are used to traditional jobs, however, there are many ways to make a living these days as long as you are willing to learn the necessary skills and implement the right strategy. Skills like starting a website….