How to open Mpesa account the easy way

How to open Mpesa account

M-Pesa is a popular mobile money platform in Kenya that allows users to send and receive money, pay bills, and make purchases through their mobile phones. If you are interested in opening an account, here is a step-by-step guide on how to open Mpesa account :

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How to open an Mpesa account

  • First, make sure you have a valid national ID or passport. This is required to open an M-Pesa account.
  • Next, visit any M-Pesa agent or Safaricom retail shop. You can also visit a Safaricom customer care center or dial *234# to access the M-Pesa menu on your phone.
  • Once you have found a location, tell the agent that you would like to open Mpesa account.
  • The agent will give you an M-Pesa registration form, which you will need to fill out with your personal and identification information.
  • After you have filled out the form, the agent will verify your information and take a copy of your ID or passport.
  • The agent will then give you an M-Pesa SIM card, which you will need to activate by following the on-screen instructions.
  • Once your SIM card is activated, you will be able to access your Mpesa account. To withdraw money, you will need to visit an M-Pesa agent and provide them with your national ID or passport. as well as the amount of money you would like
  • To transfer money, you need to enter the recipient’s phone number and the amount you intend to send. Enter your pin and confirm the transaction.
  • It is important to note that M-Pesa accounts have limits on the amount of money (KES 300,000) you can send. These limits are in place to protect users from fraud and abuse.

Overall, opening an Mpesa account is a simple and convenient way to access mobile money services in Kenya. By following the steps outlined above, you will be able to start using M-Pesa in no time.

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